Then once we arrived at the school, they were afraid. Bradley just had a really mad face, and Parker just looked so scared.
Luckily on that first day I was able to sneak out of their class without the boys noticing. When I picked them up from school Bradley and Parker both told me they missed me. Bradley also said how he cried.
On the second day I wasn't able to sneak out because Bradley knew what was going on and wouldn't let go of me! Bradley clung to my shirt and the teacher tried taking him from me but he had a death grip on my shirt! My husband Brad had to uncurl Bradley's fingers off of me and we had to hurry and leave. We could hear Parker and Bradley both screaming as we walked threw the hall and out the door to the lobby. We were told to wait a while in the lobby to make sure they calmed down. Well, we waited and every time that door was opened to the preschool we could hear Bradley and Parker screaming! That was horrible, and I felt so guilty for leaving them.
After about ten minutes we asked another parent leaving if they could still hear two little boys screaming. She said the only child screaming was her daughter. So it was finally safe to leave.
Thankfully the boys are doing much better with being dropped off now, and enjoy playing with the other kids. Bradley tells me his favorite friend is the only little girl in his class named Megan. Bradley always seems to make friends with the little girls first. The boys also have a little friend named Ethan.
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