It rained and rained the entire day! It started off as soon as we parked the car and we loading our boys up into the double stroller and umbrella stroller. The rain started off as a light drizzle. Bradley was so concerned that his head was getting wet at that point. Little did Bradley know he'd be soaked later on in the day.
After we went into the fair grounds the rain was picking up pace so Brad and I decided to go into the building with all the animals.
When we left the building with the animals the rain had picked up pace. I covered up Parker and Dustin in the double stroller. Dustin was very sheltered from the rain, but his toes still ended up getting wet. Parker's legs got soaked, as did Bradley's. Mommy and daddy for that matter where drenched!
All of the rides where shut down, and the majority of the games. It was so disappointing. Bradley and Parker really enjoyed the train display that was inside, and the building with all the rabbits and birds.
Later in the day Brad let the boys each play some games. Bradley did really good with guessing numbers for the chocolate game. Bradley won quit a few times. It was adorable watching Bradley play the "pick a duck" game. Bradley did it twice. He played once for himself, and once for Parker who was afraid to grab a duck. Bradley spotted what duck he wanted and chased it around the pool until he caught it.
Bradley and Parker both played the fishing game, and each caught a shark. Parker was so very proud of himself. They each picked out a big blow up soccer ball.
At the end of the day Bradley was sick of the stroller and wore his child harness and leash. Bradley had refused to hold our hands so that was the reason behind the leash. I explained to Bradley that he had to be like our dogs and wear a leash because he wouldn't listen. So the rest of the time there Bradley tugged on the leash and barked like a dog. Brad and I got a real kick out of it. Bradley had fun doing it, and also jumping in the many huge puddles to splash daddy and me!
I really wish it hadn't of rained so hard all day. We could have dealt with the drizzle all day and would have had more fun. But the pouring rain was horrible! Everything was affected by the rain. The pig race wasn't the same as last year because the couldn't have any of the electric equipment hooked up so it was just a guy yelling what was going on, and you could hardly hear. All and all though, I think Bradley had a good time. Parker is iffy whether or not he had fun. I do know Parker enjoyed the trains, and the fishing game. Dustin just enjoyed being out, and seeing new stuff.
One more thing about the day before I end this.. In the building with the rabbits and all the different birds. Brad was holding the boys up so they could see the turkeys. The turkey kept gobbling at Bradley and Parker, and they just didn't know what to make of it. Bradley and Parker were pretty scared of that turkey!
Here are a few pictures of our day.
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