Tuesday, September 29, 2009

new blog

I have a new blog now. Follow me there. Click on my profile for a list of my blogs.

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's been a while!

I have not posted anything for a long time! There is lots to update on, but I do not have the time right now. I do want to post a few pictures though. Parker turned 3 on August 10th, and had his birthday party at Chuckie Cheese on the 9th of August. It was fun. Parker was able to play with his cousins, and it was really nice to see all the kids together. It is still hard for me to believe Parker is already 3! WOW! I now have two 3 year olds. Below is a picture of Parker and his spongebob cake that I made.

Starting around Parker's birthday we have had some new house guests. My brother and his 3 kids have temporarily moved in. It has been a really full house with 6 kids and 4 adults. Not to mention we only have one bathroom!!! The kids are all loving playing together. I do feel bad for my brothers kids though, especially Nathan (who is 8). Nathan seems to be the most effected by all the crap that is currently going on. I just pray to god that something good happens for these kids. I will update more later when I have a chance. It has just been so hard to post with 6 kids running around. I feel as if I am going to be talked to death LOL!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

It's finally over! & more updates.

Court has come and gone with good results. "C" arrived at court and told everyone the truth about how she had lied. ALL charges were dismissed, and nothing bad happened. My brother's girl friend AKA Druggie actually apologized to my dad. I was pretty surprised about that. Maybe she is actually going to show some remorse, and try to be a better person. C did not apologize, and still could care less that she has caused this whole mess. My brother's girl friend is now finally trying to get help for her daughter. C will be seeing a shrink, and hopefully they will be able to help this child. Because everyone knows this kid needs help.

I am just thankful it is all over with. I am glad in the end everything turned out OK. So now life can go back to the way it once was.. at least somewhat. For Parker's birthday, it will be the first time my dad, brother, brothers girl friend, and kids will all be together. All of the holidays this past year were ruined because of C. So all of us being together as a family has been missed. I am really looking forward to seeing my brothers kids again, and letting my boys play with their cousins.

Parker is excited for his birthday too. I still can not believe my baby boys are growing up so fast. Parker will be 3 this year, and in October Bradley with be 4! Holy cow!!! And my youngest baby Dustin is already 17 months old! It amazes me how fast they are growing, I really wish time would slow down. Soon, Dustin won't even be in diapers. Potty training has already begun!

Lately Brad has been trying to push me to have another baby. I just don't know yet. Right now Dustin is mommy's little attatchment. He won't even sleep in his crib. Every night Dustin screams and reaches over his crib rails for me until I cave, and pick him up. Dustin falls asleep in our bed, and I have to carefully put him in his crib without wakeing him. If I wake him, he has to fall back to sleep in bed with me first. It was horrible the other night when Dustin insisted on sleeping in bed the intire night. Everytime I would try to put Dustin in his bed he would cry. The whole night Dustin slept on my arm cuddled up next to me. It was impossible to move!! My mom and husband keep telling me I have Dustin way too spoiled. It is really hard not to when he is attatched to my hip.
If we were to have another child, I think it would really break Dustin's heart. And honestly that is the main reason I am not ready for another baby. Do I sound crazy because of that?
I just need more time before we have another baby. Especially since baby # 4 will have to be our last because of my C-sections. Knowing that makes me really upset.

Beach Pictures

All of our boys the night we left. Brad took this picture :o)

Dustin looking mad

Bradley working on his big sand castle

Parker playing in the sand

Bradley playing in the sand



Sunday, July 26, 2009

Picky Eater

Lately my oldest son Bradley has been a very picky eater. Tonight we made parasean pasta for a side with our meal. Well, the pasta has those little green leaves in it, and Bradley refused to eat it because it had "yucky green things" in it. Bradley then creativly used his pasta to build a mountain. LOL at least since he didn't eat it, he had fun with it....

Parker on the other hand has been a eating machine. Parker loves to eat, and almost always finishes his dinner. Parker is really surprising me as to how much he can consume in a meal. The other day we bought 3 double cheese burgers and 1 small fry for our 3 boys. Bradley and Dustin both split one double cheese burger, and ate a few fries. Parker ate an entire double cheese burger and a few fries. Parker then told me he wanted a second cheese burger! Our boys are all so different. Bradley is like me, and doesn't really care for meat. Parker is like his daddy, and loves meat & will gladly sit down with daddy and eat a steak (YUCK!).

I do feel that Bradley is not getting enough nutritional foods. Bradley is very picky, and it is hard to get him to eat healthy foods. A few mornings ago, I made all three boys bagels with grape jelly on them. Bradley refused to eat the bagel because he hadn't eaten one before. I assured Bradley he had eaten a bagel several times and he just didn't remember. Bradley then called his breakfast "yucky and gross" then refused to eat. I then told Bradley his bagel was round toast with jelly. Bradley looked at his bagel then gladly ate it. Bradley asked daddy why his toast was round, and daddy replied "they didn't have any squared ones left at the store". I could hardly hold back a smile. Once Bradley had finished eating his bagel, he came over and told me "mommy, that was some really yummy toast".

Beach fun!

I haven't posted for a while. A few weeks ago Brad and I took a spur of the moment trip to the beach. It was great. Brad ended up having to use his last week of vacation (due to an injury) so we hurried to pack and left for the beach. We were really limited on money, but we were still able to have a good time. Bradley and Parker told us they wanted to live at the hotel. Bradley and Parker loved the indoor pool. Dustin did as well, but it would take him a few moments until he got used to the cool water.
We had a really good time though, and I can not wait to go back next summer! Although next summer we may get to go to Disney. Who knows..

Court for my dad is this Tuesday. I am worried, but feel that everything is going to work out. Ciara has finally come forward and is telling the truth, instead of the many lies she made up. Druggie will be meeting with the States attourney before court even begins, and depending on how that goes, the states attourney said all charges will be dismissed. The case will be dropped, and this nightmare will finally be over! I am sort of relieved, but not believing anything druggie says until it actually happens. So, I am just hoping that all goes well, and this crap is finally over with.

Well, I will post beach pictures later. Bye for now.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


So finally some GOOD news! My father did his lie detector test and the results came back saying he did NOT lie! Of course everyone already knew he was telling the truth, and that C---- is the one lying. Well, anyways my brother tells Druggie about the results and she questions her kid. Well the kid could not keep her story straight and kept telling different stories. Finally Druggie tells the kid she knows that she lied. C---- breaks down crying admitting she lied, but blamed it all on her friend. C---- told Druggie that it was all her friends idea.

HOLY CRAP! The court trial, with extremely serious charges is in two weeks. NOW this kid is finally admitting how she lied all along. I knew she was lying, but it really troubles me that an eleven year old kid could lie to this extent, and not care that she is putting an innocent person in jail. I know hate is a strong word, but I really do hate that kid. She has screwed up our family, and everyone has been so stressed and upset. My poor dad who never did anything wrong, and is now facing up to 15 or more years in jail. This kid acts like it's all ok that she lied, and doesn't even care. She is going on with her life and pretending she never did any of this nonsense. I am really wondering what will happen with court now. Now that everyone knows 110% it's a lie, and the kid admitted she lied. Druggie is trying to get a hold of the states attorney to try and get charges dropped. No luck so far. UGH!! What a mess!! At least maybe things can be fixed. I am still worried, but hopeful it will all be over now that the truth is out. I really hope my brothers STEP daughter gets some help. A kid that can lie about something so serious and not care about the consequences is sick. She really needs some help!