For the past 5 years or so every memorial day has resulted in something bad happening. I just do not understand it. Today started off fine for the most part. Brad took our boys out front and let them watch the parade. During the parade Molly (my black lab) freaked out from the noise from the marching band. I attempted to calm her down, but it was just too much for her. Molly was in her kennel to prevent her from hurting herself, but it did not work. She nawled and scratched at the kennel screaming! I took her out of the kennel and put her on a leash, and tried to contain her until the parade was over. Once it ended Molly was still pacing around the house being her weird self. Then I heard some rustling in the dinning room.. I looked and all of our boys were in the same room with us. I then went to investigate the sound. It turned out it was Molly who decided she would pull down a bag full of old chocolate left over from Easter. Molly ate 5 hollow chocolate rabbits. Chocolate is bad for dogs, and can be fatal. So we called the ER vet and were told to give Molly peroxide to make her puke. Ugh, it was such a mess, as usual. Every memorial day it seems like we are talking to the ER vet, or in their waiting room. Every memorial day there is some sort of catastrophy with our precious animals. 3 years ago Molly broke her kennel during the memorial day parade and once lose she chewed through a power surge protecter that was plugged in. When I found her she had blood all around her mouth and blood in her kennel. Then last year, Buddy died. There are other bad things that happened, but I can't quite remember all of them. There has been that many! At least Molly is OK, and in the end everything worked out.
Bradley, Parker, and Dustin all enjoyed watching the parade with daddy. They each were given a book, and lots of candy. It was fun for them. Next year I am getting tranquilizers for Molly from our vet though. Something needs to be done so Molly isn't so terrified because of the noise. Molly acts all tough, but she's such a baby!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
Last year on memorial day my beloved 1st dog Buddy past away. It will be 1 full year on May 26th. It still feels like yesterday to me, and I find myself crying over Buddy often. I never expected Buddy to pass away at the age of twelve. All of our animals have always been well taken care of, and lived very long lives. Buddy surprised me. Buddy was diagnosed with a heart murmur, and as a dog groomer I had seen many dogs who had heart murmurs, who were perfectly fine. So I thought that it just meant Buddy would need to be checked more often by our vet, or be on medication. Instead, Buddy died when he could have been saved. OLD Trail vet, now Old Trail VCA animal hospital, in my eyes is responsible for what happened to my Buddy. Dr. Lucas diagnosed Buddy with a heart murmur, but failed to rate Buddy’s murmur. Two other veterinarians asked us why Dr. Lucas failed to rate Buddy’s murmur. I ask myself this too. The other vets told us if Buddy’s murmur had been taken care of when it was first caught by Dr. Lucas that Buddy could have been put on medication, and his life could have been saved. Buddy could have spent at least another year or maybe even 5 more with us. Who knows how long Buddy would have gone on to live with his family. I will never know, because Buddy died in my hands. I was the one to first see Buddy, my small black fur ball that everyone at Animal Rescue Inc fell in love with. I was a little kid, and he curled up in my lap while I was volunteering. Buddy stole my heart, and he became my first dog. Growing up Buddy was more like a sibling then a dog. But all of our pets have always been “family” not just disposable animals like some people believe animals are.
On memorial day I found Buddy around 11am laying on our back porch after he had wanted to go outside. I had decided to go outside and sit with him, and instead found Buddy laying by the back door. Buddy’s eyes were wide, his soft brown eyes were full of pain. This picture will never leave my memory, although I wish it would. Buddy started foaming from the mouth, he was suffocating. I held his head and cried for help. No one could help him. My childhood dog, my friend, My Buddy. He took his last breath while I held him, and Brad carried his lifeless body to our car. Brad and I took Buddy on his last car ride to the Emergency vet in York. The vet was so companionate, and we lay Buddy in a back room on a soft dog bed. I sat next to him and cried for at least a half hour until I finally had to leave him forever. I had Buddy cremated, and I picked up his ashes a few weeks after he passed away. And it felt so weird walking into that vet, and telling them I was there for Buddy‘s ashes. Every other time I had picked Buddy up from the vet, he came running out wagging his big furry black tail. Buddy would jump all over the place and wine from excitement. He also had this distinctive high pitched yappy dog type of bark. Instead that day at the vet, I was handed a small wooden box, wrapped in brown paper that had the name “Buddy Douglas”. My heart is still broken, and I don’t think I will ever get over losing my dog. And I don’t think a lot of people can understand why someone would be so upset over losing a dog. Because most say “it’s just a dog” right? Well, they aren’t just dogs, they aren’t just cats, they are just as good if not better then most people in this world. Honestly I haven’t met many dogs or cats that I have not liked, but I have met a shit load of people that I hate.
RIP my precious Buddy. I will never stop loving you, and you will never ever be forgotten.
On memorial day I found Buddy around 11am laying on our back porch after he had wanted to go outside. I had decided to go outside and sit with him, and instead found Buddy laying by the back door. Buddy’s eyes were wide, his soft brown eyes were full of pain. This picture will never leave my memory, although I wish it would. Buddy started foaming from the mouth, he was suffocating. I held his head and cried for help. No one could help him. My childhood dog, my friend, My Buddy. He took his last breath while I held him, and Brad carried his lifeless body to our car. Brad and I took Buddy on his last car ride to the Emergency vet in York. The vet was so companionate, and we lay Buddy in a back room on a soft dog bed. I sat next to him and cried for at least a half hour until I finally had to leave him forever. I had Buddy cremated, and I picked up his ashes a few weeks after he passed away. And it felt so weird walking into that vet, and telling them I was there for Buddy‘s ashes. Every other time I had picked Buddy up from the vet, he came running out wagging his big furry black tail. Buddy would jump all over the place and wine from excitement. He also had this distinctive high pitched yappy dog type of bark. Instead that day at the vet, I was handed a small wooden box, wrapped in brown paper that had the name “Buddy Douglas”. My heart is still broken, and I don’t think I will ever get over losing my dog. And I don’t think a lot of people can understand why someone would be so upset over losing a dog. Because most say “it’s just a dog” right? Well, they aren’t just dogs, they aren’t just cats, they are just as good if not better then most people in this world. Honestly I haven’t met many dogs or cats that I have not liked, but I have met a shit load of people that I hate.
RIP my precious Buddy. I will never stop loving you, and you will never ever be forgotten.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Bradley & Parker Graduated!
Bradley and Parker graduated from Preschool. It was SO cute! It was a bigger celebration then I expected. The school had a guy making all kinds of balloon animals & hats for the kids, face painting, a bounce house, games with prizes, a small petting zoo, and the graduation ceremony at the end. It was a good time!
Bradley started off bad, he had an attitude, and refused to talk to anyone or play. After a while Bradley did warm up, once he saw Parker having fun. Parker was such a good boy, and even got his face painted. The face paint was supposed to be a robot (picture of Parker below in the middle).
I am really proud of Bradley & Parker. They went up and excepted their diploma and gift from their teacher. And everyone clapped. It was just adorable. Next year Bradley will be in the 3 year old class, and Parker will be in the 2 year old class again (but different teachers). Parker will be in the 2's again only so Bradley and Parker are separated.
Well I only posted a photo of each boy. Bradleys picture is first, then Parker, then Dustin. I'll post more later.
Bradley started off bad, he had an attitude, and refused to talk to anyone or play. After a while Bradley did warm up, once he saw Parker having fun. Parker was such a good boy, and even got his face painted. The face paint was supposed to be a robot (picture of Parker below in the middle).
I am really proud of Bradley & Parker. They went up and excepted their diploma and gift from their teacher. And everyone clapped. It was just adorable. Next year Bradley will be in the 3 year old class, and Parker will be in the 2 year old class again (but different teachers). Parker will be in the 2's again only so Bradley and Parker are separated.
Well I only posted a photo of each boy. Bradleys picture is first, then Parker, then Dustin. I'll post more later.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
So Excited!!
Currently I am counting down the days until our vacation. There are only 13 days left, and we are all SO excited! I have even packed a few things already, our towels, bathingsuits, suntan lotion, and beach toys. Turns out all that stuff actually didn't fit in one bag. I am worried about not having enough room in the van. Traveling with 3 children age 3 and under, requires packing a lot of stuff! Including the pack-N-play for Dustin to sleep in while we are at the hotel. The hotel where we are staying does not offer cribs or pack-n-plays. Our hotel is also the most inexpensive one we could find, so that is probably why.
Our van needs to fit the double stroller, the umbrella stroller, the pack-n-play, and all our luggage. I am sure it will all fit tightly, but it will work out.
I am also very excited about this Thursday which is Bradley and Parker's graduation from preschool. Mom-mom, pop-pop, Daddy, and mommy will all be attending their special graduation ceremony. We also plan on taking the boys out to eat after their graduation to their favorite place to eat, which is infinito's.
I am hoping Bradley and Parker behave at the graduation. Bradley told me he was afraid to graduate. I'm not sure that he understands what it means to "graduate" though!
Our van needs to fit the double stroller, the umbrella stroller, the pack-n-play, and all our luggage. I am sure it will all fit tightly, but it will work out.
I am also very excited about this Thursday which is Bradley and Parker's graduation from preschool. Mom-mom, pop-pop, Daddy, and mommy will all be attending their special graduation ceremony. We also plan on taking the boys out to eat after their graduation to their favorite place to eat, which is infinito's.
I am hoping Bradley and Parker behave at the graduation. Bradley told me he was afraid to graduate. I'm not sure that he understands what it means to "graduate" though!
This year has been a rough one for my family. There has been a lot of stuff going on for my father, and brother. But it also effects my mom, my kids, my husband, and myself. It's all a bunch of crap to top things off. It all leads back to my brother's now ex girl friend, AKA Druggie. Druggie is good at ruining lives, and is a HUGE liar. She is destroying her own children, and has already ruined my brother, and fathers life. I really wish all the lying would come to an end. I am not going to go into details about everything (I have in older posts). But I really wish the drama would stop. And everything all leads back to Druggie and her oldest child (which is not my brothers child). My brother is very worried about his 3 children that are stuck with Druggie. Druggie makes herself out to be "mother of the year". Although she is on hard drugs, selling drugs, and an abusive liar. It all really makes me sick. I just pray that one day all her lies are exposed and she goes down in flames! And god protect my brothers children, they need it.
Also, I am angry with Brad's parents (if you want to call them that). I really wish I would have listened to my husband and never contacted his parents. Brad never got along with them, and told me he was mainly raised by his grandparents. Brad hadn't spoken to, or had any contact with his parents for over 2 years. I felt bad for them, being as I'm such a sucker. I sent them a baby announcement when I had our second child. After that Brad's mother started contacting me through email, even though I sent a note along with the birth announcement stating DO NOT contact us in any way. I stated I was only sending a few pictures of the boys to be nice since they had never seen our children. As time went by I convinced Brad to talk to his parents. Things seemed to go OK at first, then down hill. I was finally able to see why Brad wanted nothing to do with his parents to begin with. They are selfish and care about one thing, themselves. They are unwilling to help out their only child (Brad). There are other things that really piss me off about them too, for instance Brads mother hurting Bradley. Bradley is still afraid of her. And when he found a picture of them the other day, Bradley pointed her out to me and told me she is the "bad one and pa-paw is the nice one". I kind of shrugged it off, and Bradley also showed the picture to daddy and said the same thing. Although, I must say, I don't think either of them are the "nice one" I think they are equally the same. I really would like to know what took place that day Bradley got hurt, because it has really stuck with him. Brads mother must have really scared and harmed him for Bradley to remember it for so long! And these people expect me to leave my children with them again, they must be out of their minds!
It all just makes me thankful that I have great parents. My mom especially. My mom has got to be one of the greatest moms out there. She goes all out for her kids, and is the greatest mom, and Grandma. My boys love her to pieces, and she is definitely Bradley and Parkers favorite person. My family is so lucky to have her.
Also, I am angry with Brad's parents (if you want to call them that). I really wish I would have listened to my husband and never contacted his parents. Brad never got along with them, and told me he was mainly raised by his grandparents. Brad hadn't spoken to, or had any contact with his parents for over 2 years. I felt bad for them, being as I'm such a sucker. I sent them a baby announcement when I had our second child. After that Brad's mother started contacting me through email, even though I sent a note along with the birth announcement stating DO NOT contact us in any way. I stated I was only sending a few pictures of the boys to be nice since they had never seen our children. As time went by I convinced Brad to talk to his parents. Things seemed to go OK at first, then down hill. I was finally able to see why Brad wanted nothing to do with his parents to begin with. They are selfish and care about one thing, themselves. They are unwilling to help out their only child (Brad). There are other things that really piss me off about them too, for instance Brads mother hurting Bradley. Bradley is still afraid of her. And when he found a picture of them the other day, Bradley pointed her out to me and told me she is the "bad one and pa-paw is the nice one". I kind of shrugged it off, and Bradley also showed the picture to daddy and said the same thing. Although, I must say, I don't think either of them are the "nice one" I think they are equally the same. I really would like to know what took place that day Bradley got hurt, because it has really stuck with him. Brads mother must have really scared and harmed him for Bradley to remember it for so long! And these people expect me to leave my children with them again, they must be out of their minds!
It all just makes me thankful that I have great parents. My mom especially. My mom has got to be one of the greatest moms out there. She goes all out for her kids, and is the greatest mom, and Grandma. My boys love her to pieces, and she is definitely Bradley and Parkers favorite person. My family is so lucky to have her.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
So I chickened out of getting ten inches cut off of my hair! I ended up having 5 cut off instead. My hair is "boob length" now. I had it layered around my face, and it looks great. It looks like it did when I first met Brad 5 years ago. I like it. I feel bad that I couldn’t contribute it to Locks of Love, but I just couldn’t cut it all off. If I had cut off the ten inches my hair would have been at my shoulders. I just couldn’t deal with my hair being that short. I know I probably sound crazy, or selfish. But I have never had short hair, EVER! The shortest it has been was at my shoulders, and I cried. I guess before that the shortest it was was when I was a baby!
Well anyway, it’s done. I finally had my hair cut after 3 years of not cutting it. It does feel weird with those 5 inches gone. When I would put it in a pony tail before the hair cut, it would hit my but. Now, it’s in the middle of my back. Maybe she did cut off a little more than 5 inches.. I can’t tell. But she told me if she took ten inches, it was going to be too short.
Well anyway, it’s done. I finally had my hair cut after 3 years of not cutting it. It does feel weird with those 5 inches gone. When I would put it in a pony tail before the hair cut, it would hit my but. Now, it’s in the middle of my back. Maybe she did cut off a little more than 5 inches.. I can’t tell. But she told me if she took ten inches, it was going to be too short.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Locks of love
Right now I am really considering cutting off my very long hair. If I do, I am deffinately donating it to Locks of Love. Currently my hair is down to my butt. It is so long I am having a hard time brushing it. If I did not have carpel tunnel in my wrists it wouldn't be so bad, but since I do, it is painful trying to brush my long hair. I have had long hair my whole life but at this point my hair is the longest it has ever been. A part of me is really afraid to have my hair cut, but then every time I take the 15-20 minutes just to get every tangle out of my hair, accompanied by the sharp tingling pains from my carpet tunnel, I feel ready to cut it all off!
Well, if I do go through with cutting off most of my hair, it will be tomorrow. So I will write about it, and post pics if I have it cut. Last time my hair was shorter was when I was 16, and it was a little past my shoulders (the shortest its ever been) and I must say seeing it that short I cried. So lets hope I don't regret this!
Well, if I do go through with cutting off most of my hair, it will be tomorrow. So I will write about it, and post pics if I have it cut. Last time my hair was shorter was when I was 16, and it was a little past my shoulders (the shortest its ever been) and I must say seeing it that short I cried. So lets hope I don't regret this!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today I was bored, so I was browsing through blogs. I came across a blog about a baby who was struggling for it's life, and never got to go home from the hospital. In the end the baby passed away. It really broke my heart. Sometimes I forget how lucky I truly am. I have 3 beautiful, healthy baby boys. I have a wonderful, loving family. We all have our problems, and issues, but we are there for each other. Sometimes I feel so crappy, and act as if life is horrible. Then I read a story like I read about this beautiful baby that didn't get to experience life outside the hospital. I am just so lucky, and very thankful that my boys are healthy, and they are able to live normal lives at home with mommy & daddy. I love my children more then words can say, they are my entire world. My baby boys have stolen my heart. And so has my wonderful husband. 
Monday, May 11, 2009
Upcoming events!
Time sure seems to be flying by lately. It's hard to believe Dustin is 14 months old, and our big boys will be graduating their 1st year of preschool! On May 21st Bradley & Parker will be attending a graduation ceremony. I am anxious to see this! We recieved the flyers today! We have to RSVP by the 18th, and there graduation is at 6pm. It will also be a family picnic afterwards.
A little over a week after the boys graduate, is vacation time! Woo Hoo! I am so excited for our 1st family vacation. During the boys last week of school they will be having a beach party. So it just works out perfectly! Bradley and Parker are also both very excited about going to the beach. It's great that they have something fun to look forward to. I am just day dreaming about sitting on the nice warm beach, watching out little boys play in the sand. Holding their hands as they have the ocean waves splash over their feet. I do expect Bradley & Parker to be afraid of the waves, but Dustin I think, will be the brave one. I am also looking forward to taking the boys in the pool at our hotel. It will be Dustin's first time in a pool. The closest Dustin has come to swimming in a pool was last summer when I held him over my dads pool and let his tootsies get wet (and he hated it then). Now that Dustin is much older, I really think he is going to enjoy it.
Well, I will be sure to post pictures of the boys graduation, once it happens. I am going to get it on video too. I am excited. Then again it will be bitter sweet for the boys since Bradley and Parker love school so much. They will have to wait all summer to go back again. And once they go back, it will be totally different. Bradley and Parker will be seperated in different class rooms, and Bradley will have a new teacher. My babies are growing up way too fast. I wish time would slow down!
A little over a week after the boys graduate, is vacation time! Woo Hoo! I am so excited for our 1st family vacation. During the boys last week of school they will be having a beach party. So it just works out perfectly! Bradley and Parker are also both very excited about going to the beach. It's great that they have something fun to look forward to. I am just day dreaming about sitting on the nice warm beach, watching out little boys play in the sand. Holding their hands as they have the ocean waves splash over their feet. I do expect Bradley & Parker to be afraid of the waves, but Dustin I think, will be the brave one. I am also looking forward to taking the boys in the pool at our hotel. It will be Dustin's first time in a pool. The closest Dustin has come to swimming in a pool was last summer when I held him over my dads pool and let his tootsies get wet (and he hated it then). Now that Dustin is much older, I really think he is going to enjoy it.
Well, I will be sure to post pictures of the boys graduation, once it happens. I am going to get it on video too. I am excited. Then again it will be bitter sweet for the boys since Bradley and Parker love school so much. They will have to wait all summer to go back again. And once they go back, it will be totally different. Bradley and Parker will be seperated in different class rooms, and Bradley will have a new teacher. My babies are growing up way too fast. I wish time would slow down!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mother's Day
I just wanted to write a quick blog and say Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there. I am not doing anything special for mother's day since my husband is working, and my mom will be with my brother.
But Brad did surprise me yesterday when he came back home from the store. Bradley and Parker both came into the house holding a rose that they had picked out. It was sweet, and unexpected. I love being their mommy, and I love being Brads wife. Even though life can be hard at times, it's all well worth it.
I also want to wish my mom (the best mom out there) a Happy mother's day! I could never ask for a better mother then my mom. She is always there for all of her kids, and grand kids. My mom is even here for Brad, her son in law. Brad has even told me my mom's been there for him more then his own. And it's all been proven.
I just feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a great, loving, and caring mom. I am sure there are a lot of parents out there that wouldn't have dealt with such a rotten kid like I was growing up! I am just lucky I have such a great mom. Also, my mom has always worked hard to provide for her kids, and I can honestly say I never hurt for anything growing up. No matter what my mom always made sure my brother and I got whatever we needed, and wanted. And now that I am an adult, my mom is also my best friend. I can always trust and rely on her.
Happy Mother's Day mom!
But Brad did surprise me yesterday when he came back home from the store. Bradley and Parker both came into the house holding a rose that they had picked out. It was sweet, and unexpected. I love being their mommy, and I love being Brads wife. Even though life can be hard at times, it's all well worth it.
I also want to wish my mom (the best mom out there) a Happy mother's day! I could never ask for a better mother then my mom. She is always there for all of her kids, and grand kids. My mom is even here for Brad, her son in law. Brad has even told me my mom's been there for him more then his own. And it's all been proven.
I just feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a great, loving, and caring mom. I am sure there are a lot of parents out there that wouldn't have dealt with such a rotten kid like I was growing up! I am just lucky I have such a great mom. Also, my mom has always worked hard to provide for her kids, and I can honestly say I never hurt for anything growing up. No matter what my mom always made sure my brother and I got whatever we needed, and wanted. And now that I am an adult, my mom is also my best friend. I can always trust and rely on her.
Happy Mother's Day mom!
Monday, May 4, 2009
When birds attack!
It has been so crazy lately every time Brad and I try to venture out to one of our vehicles. Recently a mother robin has made a nest inside of our garage right above my moms Saturn and our neon. Now anytime we walk by the garage or attempt to enter we are attacked by this bird. At first when Brad told me the bird was attacking him, I laughed. Then the other night we had to rush Molly to the emergency vet. I hurried to the neon, and quickly put Molly in the back seat. I then went to the passenger side of the neon. I looked upwards to the rafters where this bird has made it's nest. I then saw this robin (which looked angry lol) and it suddenly flew from it's nest and flew toward me. I ducked and quickly got into the car. This bird proceeded to bounce off of the windshield of our parked car! After this happened I was anxious for Brad to hurry up and get into the darn car. Brad arrived a few minutes later, and I told him what had just happened. He laughed, and said the classic "I told you so". I personally never would have imagined a little ol' robin could be so mean!
Before I go on, I will mention our trip to the ER vet. Molly cost us a whopping $240 just because she over ate and bloated. Bloat in dogs is a VERY serious condition. If the bloat turns into a stomach twist it can be deadly to a dog. In Molly's case we were lucky. She was just very swelled up, and was given meds to make her vomit, she did not have the classic bloat where the dogs stomach twists. By the way, this is the 2nd time this has happened with Molly. I was extremely worried about Molly this time, because she was restless. The classic signs of bloat are a dog that is obviously swollen in the middle or "bloated", is restless or just can't get comfortable, vomiting, pain, etc. (I am no expert, just what I remember). This time I was very concerned though, and do not regret taking Molly to the vet. I wish it didn't cost so much, but I am glad she is ok. Molly was in a lot of pain that night, and I have never seen her behave the way she was. I feel it is better safe, then sorry. I am not willing to take risks when it comes to my dogs, or cats. I love them all dearly, and would be devastated if something were to happen to one of them. Buddy's death still haunts me, and I miss him so much every day. This morning I actually scooped a bowl of food for Buddy as if he was still with us, I just forgot. Once I realized what I had done, it killed me inside. It has almost been a full year (1year on the 26th) and I feel like it was yesturday. I love you Buddy.
Well anyway, once we arrived back home from the vet I was pretty worried about getting out of the car. Brad got out first and the bird flew down from the rafters and swarmed Brads head. I then attempted to make a run for it and the bird almost flew into the car. I had quickly shut the car door and the bird smacked into the drivers side window! Brad threw a empty bottle of soda, and the bird flew off for a while. Brad, myself, and Molly then hurried into the house.
I am a huge animal lover, and that goes for birds too. If it were not for me loving all animals, I am sure Brad would have killed this bird by now! I understand this momma bird is trying to protect her nest, but I hope her babies hatch and they all leave soon. I am tired of being harrased by this bird lol.
Before I go on, I will mention our trip to the ER vet. Molly cost us a whopping $240 just because she over ate and bloated. Bloat in dogs is a VERY serious condition. If the bloat turns into a stomach twist it can be deadly to a dog. In Molly's case we were lucky. She was just very swelled up, and was given meds to make her vomit, she did not have the classic bloat where the dogs stomach twists. By the way, this is the 2nd time this has happened with Molly. I was extremely worried about Molly this time, because she was restless. The classic signs of bloat are a dog that is obviously swollen in the middle or "bloated", is restless or just can't get comfortable, vomiting, pain, etc. (I am no expert, just what I remember). This time I was very concerned though, and do not regret taking Molly to the vet. I wish it didn't cost so much, but I am glad she is ok. Molly was in a lot of pain that night, and I have never seen her behave the way she was. I feel it is better safe, then sorry. I am not willing to take risks when it comes to my dogs, or cats. I love them all dearly, and would be devastated if something were to happen to one of them. Buddy's death still haunts me, and I miss him so much every day. This morning I actually scooped a bowl of food for Buddy as if he was still with us, I just forgot. Once I realized what I had done, it killed me inside. It has almost been a full year (1year on the 26th) and I feel like it was yesturday. I love you Buddy.
Well anyway, once we arrived back home from the vet I was pretty worried about getting out of the car. Brad got out first and the bird flew down from the rafters and swarmed Brads head. I then attempted to make a run for it and the bird almost flew into the car. I had quickly shut the car door and the bird smacked into the drivers side window! Brad threw a empty bottle of soda, and the bird flew off for a while. Brad, myself, and Molly then hurried into the house.
I am a huge animal lover, and that goes for birds too. If it were not for me loving all animals, I am sure Brad would have killed this bird by now! I understand this momma bird is trying to protect her nest, but I hope her babies hatch and they all leave soon. I am tired of being harrased by this bird lol.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Fun time at McDonnalds gone wrong!!
Today Daddy had off of work so we promised the boys we would have lunch at McDonnalds. That way after the boys ate, they could play in the play area. Well, Brad went and bought the boys their chicken nuggets and fries and we all sat down so they could eat. Everything was going fine, and they were enjoying their lunch. Brad then decided to walk over to Arby's to get himself something to eat because Brad hates McDonnalds food. Now Daddy (Brad) had forgotten his cellphone and was hesitant to leave the boys and myself at the McDonnalds since I wouldn't be able to call him. I told him all would be fine, and he walked to Arbys. A few moments after Brad had left Bradley very calmly asked me "Mommy why is my leg stuck?" I looked at him sitting acrossed the table from me and asked "your stuck?" I got up and tried to pull Bradley's leg from the skinny gap between the table and the seat. Bradley then began to panic realizing he was really was stuck and couldn't get free. Bradley started crying and begging for help. I ran to try to catch Brad, but it was too late. I then went to the counter and yelled to one of the employee's that I needed help. The employee came back, and saw how stuck Bradley really was and ran for a manager. Now, at this point it had caught the attention of quite a few people. A volunteer fire fighter came back and began helping us. He poured water over the metal bars trying to slip Bradley's leg out, but no luck. Finally the manager came back and was really surprised at how stuck Bradley's leg was. The manager then went back and filled a squirt bottle full of butter of grease (I'm not sure which) and came back. She put it all over Bradley's leg and the manager & volunteer pulled Bradley's leg out. Bradley was a brave little guy, and just wanted mommy to hold his hand. As the ordeal was coming to an end, daddy arrived and was wondering what the heck was going on. I'm sure he was puzzled by the crowd around the boys and I.
The man who helped was with I assume his wife & kids (unsure) but they were very nice people. They had a little boy about Parker's age, and a little girl Dustin's age. They wouldn't let there son sit in the middle of the indoor picnic tables because they were afraid it would happen to him also. I am really ticked off at McDonald's now, and could have had a lawsuit against them! They really need to fix those tables so it doesn't happen again. Bradley had rested his leg on the metal bars that hold the bench seat onto the table. I assume when Bradley moved he pushed his leg between the bars by accident. Bradley will deffintely have a nice big bruise on his leg now. He is still complaining how it hurts. The boys did play once all the drama was over. But it really ruined Bradley's time.
The man who helped was with I assume his wife & kids (unsure) but they were very nice people. They had a little boy about Parker's age, and a little girl Dustin's age. They wouldn't let there son sit in the middle of the indoor picnic tables because they were afraid it would happen to him also. I am really ticked off at McDonald's now, and could have had a lawsuit against them! They really need to fix those tables so it doesn't happen again. Bradley had rested his leg on the metal bars that hold the bench seat onto the table. I assume when Bradley moved he pushed his leg between the bars by accident. Bradley will deffintely have a nice big bruise on his leg now. He is still complaining how it hurts. The boys did play once all the drama was over. But it really ruined Bradley's time.
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