Our youngest son is ONE! His birthday on March 7th went great. Dustin was a ham, and loved all of the attention. I honestly thought Dustin was going to be very shy with everyone, but he was the opposite. He let everyone hold him, and was cheesing for the camera! He was so cute! Dustin received lots of nice gifts from his family. Dustin's 1st birthday was pretty perfect. The only thing that went wrong was the trip to the pizza shop where we had the party. On the way to Moby's pizza, a guy in a jeep ran a stop sign and just about killed us. I had the cake & cupcakes on my lap, and when Brad slammed on the breaks the cup cakes flew all over the car. I didn't have my seat belt on (which I usually always wear) and I flew forward and hurt my neck. I honestly thought the guy in the jeep was going to hit us. The last time I flew forward like that in a car was when I was actually in an accident. Ugh!! It really sucked. So Brad and I had to turn around and go home to get the extra cupcakes. I had made cupcakes for the boys with plain white icing so that they didn't get too uderly messy. Other then the ride to the party, all was perfect!Here are a few pictures. I'm not adding all of my favs because there are too many!
Dustin on his way to his 1st birthday party
My little ham enjoying his pizza

My birthday boy. Don't you just love his shirt!?!

My wonderful parents :o) AKA mom-mom & pop-pop
My wonderful mom & Aunt Nancy :o)
My cousin's pretty wife Andrea & a sleepy Dustin.

Grammy & Grandpa

Dustin with birthday cake all over his face. Adorable!

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