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It snowed yesterday and we had a blast! I wasn't planning on taking the boys out in the snow because Parker had been real sick this past week, and the night before was at the ER. But since Parker's fever was gone, and he was acting fine we all bundled up and went outside to play in the snow. Daddy grabbed the trash can lid and let the boys use it as a sled. I personally have never done that, and wasn't sure it would even work. But, daddy's "sled" worked really well. But then mom-mom showed up with a brand new sled for the boys. The new sled worked so much better then daddy's trash can lid sled. Although, I must say, that was a good idea on daddy's part!Well, the older boys went sledding with daddy and I, while Dustin went inside with mom-mom. Dustin had been crawling in the snow prior, and he was really starting to get frozen. Dustin still had a good time in the snow, and this was his first time playing in it.
Daddy and I took the boys back behind our house and let them slide down the big hill on their new slide. Bradley and Parker laughed the entire way down the hill. Then, Bradley pointed to the steepest hill, and wanted to sled down it. Ugh.. daddy thought it would be fun, I did too, I never thought it would be such a "rough ride".
We all made our way to the top of the hill, and daddy and Bradley sat on the sled together. They were going first, then I was going to ride down with Parker. Well, all was going good.. then toward the bottom of the hill I watched daddy and Bradley bounce off the sled. No one was hurt, but Bradley was afraid of the big hill after that. The sled hit a ground hog hole, and that was why they bounced off. So, Parker and I ended up not going down the big hill, and we moved back to the smaller one!
But it was still a great time. I am really looking forward to more snow now. I hope we get lots of it this year. It is a real pain trying to drive in it, and get to and from our garage, but it is so much fun! So.. "let it snow, let it snow"!I am also really looking forward to this Friday. Brad and I are supposed to go snow tubing with my brother. We have 3 free tickets! So I am sooo looking forward to that. I hope we do go, and nothing comes up that we can't go. I haven't gone sledding since I was twelve, and I really forgot how much fun it is!

Happy New Year! On New Year's eve Brad decided we should let the boys stay up to bring in the New Year. So a few minutes before midnight we bundled them up in their jackets, and went out on the front porch so the boys could make noise! Bradley & Parker took the stainless steel dog bowls and clanked them together. They enjoyed making the noise, and we lucked out and got to see some fireworks that a neighbor was setting off. So, it was pretty nice for Brad, myself, and our boys.I do have some other good news to write about. The stressful crap that has been going on with a family member of mine, may finally be coming to an end. I am really hopeful that it does. My brother got something in the mail saying that the charges could be dropped if they did 3 things. So.. I am really hopeful this will all be over soon. It's not often that our family gets a happy ending. Usually when it all settles down, something else arises. It's never ending stress.
Bradley, Parker, and Dustin are all doing well. Bradley was excited to go back to preschool, Parker didn't seem to care to much. At preschool the boys are learning sizes big & small, colors, and have even started singing parts of the alphabet.Bradley, has really taken to his new video game system that mom-mom(my mom) got him. It's a V-smile, and he loves it. Bradley won't quit bugging daddy & mommy to let him play. I guess he's going to follow in daddy's footsteps when it comes to video games. Parker doesn't do to well with the video games.. yet! He is only two, and I guess those ten months between Bradley and Parker make a big difference. I am sure Parker will learn to do as well as Bradley with some time and practice.
Dustin is really learning fast. He is cruising around on furniture, and crawls so fast! Dustin plays games with me too. I will say "mama mommy, or dada daddy" and Dustin will repeat. We also play patty cake, Dustin loves clapping his hands. Dustin also has me wrapped around his finger, as daddy says. Dustin is definitely a mommy's boy. Where ever I go, Dustin is right behind me following. When ever Dustin is tired he has to fall asleep in my arms, or he will scream and cry until I pick him up. He just wants to be close to me, and cuddle, Dustin is a real sweetie. Dusty also can eat soft foods, like pasta's, potatoes, pea's, overly cooked carrots, and whatever else I'm forgetting thats easy for a baby to gum. He also hates when you try to help him feed himself, Dustin just wants to do it himself, and he does a good job at it too.
Well, here are a few pictures that I took yesterday of my little men. There is only one picture of Bradley, because Bradley wouldn't cooperate like Parker. Dustin, was the same way as Bradley. So I have more good pictures of Parker then the other two. Parker is so sweet, and willing to please. He is my little helper.All 3 of our baby boys
Parker smiling at his baby brother Dustin, this is too cute!
Bradley & Dustin, Bradley was trying not to smile, this is adorable though!
Bradley smiling so nice!
Parker smiling, I love this pics of him!Dustin playing with a baseball, and being adorable.